Sapling MINDS
A Parent's Guide to Creative Healthy Coping Strategies
Nurturing Emotional Health Through Creative Healthy Coping Strategies for Children
Award Winner - Gold: Best Non-Fiction Book
The Power of Self-Soothing: Teaching Children Lifelong Coping Skills
A Parent's Guide to Relaxing Healthy Coping Strategies
Understanding Relaxing Healthy Coping Strategies for Children
Latest Interview About Child Development on the Stories of Being Podcast
A Parent's Guide to Active Healthy Coping Strategies
Understanding Active Healthy Coping Strategies for Children
Outcomes Bolstered by Enhanced Resilience
The Epidemic of Fear of Failure in Children
Fear of Failure in Children: The Hidden Threat to Motivation and Growth
Finalist for the Best Non-Fiction Award 2024
Coping Strategies for Children: A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Mental Health
Latest interview with Coaching in session
The Value of Emotional Intelligence for Children
Common phrases used by parents that shape a child's worldview
Practical Strategies for Cultivating Empathy
The connection between empathy and your child’s success
Building resilience through positive parental language