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Finalist for the Best Non-Fiction Award 2024

I’m thrilled to share some wonderful news – my book, From Seed to Sapling, has been named a finalist for the Best Non-Fiction ABLE Book Award 2024! 🌟 This recognition is a true honour, and I am incredibly grateful to the award judges for considering my work alongside such a diverse and talented group of authors.


The journey of writing From Seed to Sapling was deeply personal and grounded in a desire to help parents guide their children through key stages of growth, focusing on resilience, authenticity, and entrepreneurial spirit. Parenting is an ever-evolving process, one that requires constant reflection, adaptation, and learning. It was through my own experiences as both a parent and a coach that From Seed to Sapling was born, offering parents practical tools and strategies to raise children who can not only face life’s challenges but flourish in them. The book focuses on a holistic development approach, supporting parents to nurture and foster well-rounded children who are confident and ready to tackle whatever life throws their way.


The feedback from the judges has been humbling and deeply encouraging. They noted From Seed to Sapling provides a blend of “innovative insights with practical advice” that moves beyond a narrow parenting approach of success being defined only by academic achievement, towards an environment which also develops a broader range of life skills. It’s been a joy to hear their thoughts on the book, as they highlighted its unique approach to parenting. I’m truly excited to see how this recognition can amplify the message that nurturing these crucial skills from an early age is key to preparing our children for life’s challenges.


This recognition means so much, especially because it reflects the heart of what I hoped to achieve with the book: giving parents the tools they need to create a nurturing environment where their children can truly thrive. In our fast-paced, highly connected world, kids are facing unique challenges that weren’t as prevalent in past generations – things like social media pressure, rapidly-evolving technology, and the mental health impacts of a highly competitive academic landscape. It’s critical that we, as parents and caregivers, equip children with a sense of inner strength and confidence to meet these challenges.


The ABLE Golden Book Awards 2024 has a special place in my heart, and to be a finalist is both humbling and exhilarating. With the award ceremony just around the corner on 11 October 2024, I am filled with a mixture of excitement, gratitude and anticipation to see the outcomes. It’s an honour to have made it this far, and I wish the best of luck to all my fellow authors across all the categories. We’re all working to inspire and uplift through our writing, and I’m thrilled to be part of this community. Whether or not From Seed to Sapling takes home the award, the recognition as a finalist has already been an incredible milestone in my journey as an author.


One of the reasons this nomination feels so important to me is that it’s shining a light on the importance of proactive, holistic child development. In a world where many of us feel pressure to ensure our children succeed academically, From Seed to Sapling encourages parents to also look at the broader skills needed for success in all facets of life and redefine how they measure success. By focusing on resilience, authenticity, and an entrepreneurial spirit, we’re not just helping our children succeed in school – we’re setting them up for success in life. This book is about more than parenting advice, it’s about planting the seeds for a future generation of individuals who focus holistically on the journey towards success as well as the achievement.


This recognition isn’t just a testament to the book itself but also to the growing movement of parents who are committed to fostering these essential skills in their children. Whether it’s resilience, which helps them bounce back from challenges, authenticity, which allows them to embrace who they truly are, or an entrepreneurial spirit, which encourages a growth mindset and positive perception of failure – these are the pillars I believe will shape the next generation of confident, capable individuals.


This nomination is a step forward in amplifying this message, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share this journey with you all. The book's nomination is just the beginning, and I’m excited to see where this path leads next. I’m so thankful to everyone who has supported me, from those who’ve read the book to the parents who have shared their stories and embraced these guiding principles. To all the parents, educators, and supporters out there – thank you. Your belief in the vision of From Seed to Sapling is what has brought us here and we now eagerly anticipate the award outcome.


The Best Non-Fiction ABLE Book Award honours works that inspire, inform, and transform, and I’m deeply touched to be included among such esteemed company. No matter the result, I’ll continue to champion the message of holistic child development that From Seed to Sapling represents, and I look forward to continuing this journey together with all of you. I hope this book continues to inspire families, helping children grow into the resilient, authentic, and entrepreneurially spirited individuals they are meant to be.


Once again, thank you to the judges and to everyone who has been part of this journey. Let’s continue to nurture the seeds of growth together. 🌱

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