This is a big question, and you are likely wondering how you do this. Believe it or not, there is an easy solution, and with the right tools, support, and resources, anyone can get there.
Your child needs resiliency, authenticity, and entrepreneurial spirit in order to succeed in life. Unfortunately, our system is not set up to give your child these gifts. Instead, our system is set up to do the opposite. We are starting to see the product of this through the increased rates of anxiety, depression, and development challenges in children.
Research shows that around 13.6% of Australian children aged 4-11 experience a mental health disorder, and that an estimated 50% of adult mental illness begins before 14 years of age. International studies indicate that 16-18% of children aged 0-5 years suffer from a mental health condition. Children who are struggling are at greater risk of continued problems in adolescence and adulthood.
The research into childhood development and mental health is ever-evolving and we are continuing to gain further insight into what remains undiscovered as further value and attention is placed on this important time of life. This is still a reasonably new area of focus within Australia, with Australia’s first National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy released in Oct 2021. This has highlighted the fractures and support challenges faced by children under 12 years of age. The expansive and extensive global research, however, has shown the importance of adopting a holistic and comprehensive approach.
As parents, you want something different and better for your child than what has been historically. The good news is that your child’s mental health can change over time, so the action you take now will help to support transforming the landscape of your child’s lifestyle. Infants and children, more than any other age group, are shaped and influenced by a range of social, biological, and environmental factors.
As children move from early childhood (2-5 years) into middle childhood (6-11 years), their experiences broaden as they engage further during their early years at school, and as they begin to learn about social relationships beyond the family through their development of varied and deeper friendships. This is a critical stage in which to support your child’s development as they learn how to maintain their authenticity while facing increasing societal expectations (peer influence, teacher’s influence, etc).
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